"The Catholic Youth Organization (CYO), through the vehicle of sports, provides youth with an opportunity to practice Christian attitudes and responsibilities and to become friends with other children throughout the diocese. CYO activities should be examples of the meaning of Christian sportsmanship." --CYO Code of Conduct
We will celebrate the CYO program our athletes and coaches at the 9 am Mass.
March 9: Celebration of OCIA (formerly RCIA, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
The exterior of Corpus Christi Catholic Church in Pacific Palisades as seen the morning of Wednesday, January 8, 2025. This week they were able to retrieve the tabernacle intact with the Eucharist safely inside.
Los Angeles Wildfire Relief
Wildfires are currently ravaging Los Angeles and other areas of California. Please help families recover after the fires pass. Make an emergency donation to CCUSA today to help provide lifesaving resources. 100% of your gift will be sent where it's needed most!
We, were able to get the heater running at 20% capacity, so there is some heat in the church. So please bundle up when you attend Mass.
February 5
Gina Hens-Piazza, PhD Professor, Jesuit School of Theology
Santa Clara University Made in God’s Image: A Theology of Ecology
WINGS is a group of women from many parishes who seek to deepen their faith and grow in their relationship with God and one another. Through prayer, thought-provoking presentations on a variety of subjects, and small group faith-sharing and discussion of how the Spirit is working in their lives, women journey together. The theme for this year is Living in Hope. The Fall Season, will focus on spirituality
Gatherings are held on Wednesdays in the Meeting Rooms from 9:00 to 11:15. All are welcome. For more information, contact Dee McDonough at deesigns@comcast.net .
Reception of the Precious Blood
The reception of the Precious Blood guideline from Bishop Barber, dated May 15, 2023 states; "Other than the priest, no communicant may ever dip the Sacred Host into the chalice to communicate himself."
Text “GIVE” to the number above to receive a link to our online giving page.
You can use our online giving platform to deepen your commitment to the church and the ministries you care about most. Your recurring gifts will sustain our mission month after month. You will also help our parish by cutting costs for envelopes and paper, and allowing our staff to spend less time processing cash and checks and more time on ministries.
Thank you for your continued support of St. Theresa.
You may also use Online Giving for Second Collections.
February 1 & 2 Parish Maintenance & Improvement Fund
Our Parish SVdP Conference meets bimonthly, every third Saturday at 9:30am. If interested in learning more about our Conference’s work, contact Judy Bojorquez at jtsbojorquez@yahoo.com with any general questions. Call Greg Govan at 510-547-0911 if you have a specific question.
Please consider volunteering for one of our Liturgical ministries. Liturgy is the work of the people and we need your assistance.
What is your gift, passion, what do you really like to do? Do you like to read, talk with people, serve people, work behind the scenes, electronics? Turn that passion into a ministry, there is something for everyone. Prayerfully consider one of the following ministries.
There is no bulletin this weekend, February 2, 2025.
Please remember in your prayers all those who are ill especially:
Matt Mercier, Heidi Parmelee, Dolores Gomez, Alegria Hipolito, Betty Wharton, Juanita Estrella, Olga Lamberti, Wendy Parmelee, Roger Baylocq, Susan Springer, Wendy Jones, Orlanda Gonzalez, Kevin Chapman, Diane Cerille, Tom Wilberding, Shirley Roberts, Danny Ramos, Mark Leonard, Christopher Rodriguez, Maryanne Walsh, Rhonda Santeen, John Whatley, Nancy Coyne, Kevin Stallone, Della Spinelli, Jeanne Cuttitta, Susan Buller, Ann Springer, Guy Wallace, Ray Bertolotti, William McCarthy, Cindy Crimmins, Fred & Lidia Loupy, Rebecca Rogers, Kathleen Guevara, Clarence Robinson, Armando Diaz de Leon, Fr. Ron Schmidt, Laura Jones, Bonnie & John Bouey, Susan Rubio, Fr. Paul Schmidt, Marley Malone, Isabella Guillot Williams, Ann Kirkman, Hal Lauth, Phil Stover, Joey Smith, Raymond Buckley, Jr., Norma Ninalga, Betty Jo Olson, Jennifer Walwark, Greg Govan, Anita Lim, Marilyn McCabe, Helen Lightner-Smith, Steve Lauth, Mary Malloy, Peter Cuttitta, James Lang, John Donovan, Mary & Leo Martinez, Sr., James Spalding, Tiffany Converse, Adrian McEvilly, Joan Marchi, Diana Nelson Curtis, Charlie Schnellbacher, Theresa Joyce, Maureen Carver, Ernestine Pernecco, Vince Nims, Barrett Baker, Genevieve ‘Beth’ McElroy, Rick Fama, Eleanor Ceccarelli, Maureen Querio, Karin Milliman.
St. Theresa Parish Online Prayer Request
You can submit names for the Prayers of the Faithful (Prayers for the Sick or Recently Deceased) online. Please complete the form, and their name(s) will be added to the weekly Flocknote, bulletin and The Prayers of the Faithful at the weekend Masses.
Safe Environment Training for Parish & School Volunteers
It is that time of year when notices of expiring Virtus training will be arriving in your email. Please uuse the link in the email to lob into Virtus and take the training that have been assigned. Training must be renewed every three years.
To renew or register for the first time, click on the link in your email or go to https://www.virtusonline.org or click on the link in the upper right corner of the parish website sttheresaoakland.org.
Please remember that in order to volunteer at the parish or school in any capacity (Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Catechist, Choir Member, St. Vincent de Paul, Legion of Mary, CYO etc.), you must complete the training.
This was sent to a parishioner using another parishioners name as the sender in an attempt to obtain the parishes account information.
What's the current available balance in the account? And do we have Zelle or Venmo Linked with our bank account? Also, You need to process the payment immediately to the vendor for our Website Upgrade . Kindly get back to me Asap.
A number of people have once again received phony emails and texts from Fr. Bob and/or our principal Alicia Ortegon asking for gifts cards. If you receive an email from either of them requesting help with gifts, gift cards, money ..... PLEASE IGNORE and DELETE. It's a scam! They will never request help from you in this manner.
Sent by Cathy Brady on Friday, January 31 at 4:00PM